Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research (DIHOO) provides independent advice to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, as well as to the field of higher education and research. These recommendations concern the promotion of diversity and inclusion.


The Advisory Committee Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research has stated its vision on diversity and inclusion. The full text is included below.

The committee's starting point is the social responsibility to promote diversity and inclusion in higher education and research, which also inherently ensures quality.

Diversity refers to all the visible and invisible characteristics, experiences and/or backgrounds in which we differ and agree with each other. Inclusion is the achievement of an environment where everyone belongs, is seen, and participates as a matter of course.

Diverse talents, abilities, and backgrounds are indispensable to the quality of education and research, but are not always recognized or are excluded due to often unconscious biases and invisible institutional processes resulting from reproduction of historical choices. 

In an inclusive working and learning environment, diversity at the level of students, staff, curriculum, and research is valued, sought out, and utilized. Working on diversity and inclusion requires a collaborative and sustainable approach at the societal, political, and institutional levels.

About the Advisory Commitee

On 1 September 2020, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Ingrid van Engelshoven, presented the National Action Plan for Greater Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Research.

The National Action Plan for Greater Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Research is aimed at the creation of a diverse and safe learning and working environment, within which everyone is able to develop in order to promote the quality of education and research. To achieve this ambition, the Advisory Committee on Diverse and Inclusive Higher Education and Research was established.

For me, diversity equity and inclusion are a way of life. Vinod Subramaniam

Every perspective is unique, just like every experience. Diversity is at the heart of growth and innovation and we must embrace it together. Akram Achahboun 

You can’t live in the illusion that we are not deeply connected." Achille Mbembe - Cameroonian political scientist and philosopher. Elijah Alvares 

Het wegnemen van (on)zichtbare barrières die mensen met beperkingen in het Hoger Onderwijs ondervinden moet deel uitmaken van een integrale aanpak van inclusie. Steven Arisz 

You’re not just a drop in the ocean, you’re the ocean in a drop. Ercan Büyükçifçi (Rumi)

Being part of the advisory committee is inspiring and allows you to consider different perspectives and formulate advice that promotes inclusiveness. It’s an opportunity to help shape the future and actively contribute to fairer and more inclusive education. Milly Kock

In my role as member of the board at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, I’ve learned that acknowledging both structural and everyday experiences of inequality and exclusion are key in promoting inclusive diversity and mutual equality in education and research. Susan Legêne

Academic freedom, quality and innovation can only be guaranteed by fair and inclusive higher education that acknowledges intersectional inequality and combats misuse of power. Susanne Täuber

A country moves forward by leaving no one behind. It is in our collective interest to emancipate all groups in our society. Alihan Uzun 

The Netherlands is among the few countries with a national action plan designed with an intersectional perspective. And I find it an honour and a challenge to collaborate with the partners in advising the committee on plan implementation. Claartje Vinkenburg 

I’m dedicated to promoting equity and justice. Mala Paltoe